Quartz, Byssolite

Zeballos, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Size: 7.5x3.0x1.9 cm


Here is a super sharp, well terminated, crystal showing inclusions of the acicular amphibole, byssolite. The elongated crystal shows a frosty transparent tip with the lower two-thirds displaying dense forest-green interior phantoms. There is more of a tan or straw colouration nearer the base of the crystal due to oxidization. The crystal shows a bit of contact at the back. This is a very nice piece to represent the locality.

The specimen comes from a newer, lesser known locality near Zeballos on Vancouver Island, British Columbia; the deposit is in a contact skarn. The crystals are often colloquially referred to as"forest quartz", due to the mossy appearance of the byssolite inclusions, making it easy to visualize a pocket of these crystals in the beautiful rain forest of B.C. Currently all collecting on the the claim has been halted pending the outcome of a court action by the local indigenous band. This makes it unlikely that we'll see new material coming from this locality any time soon.

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