Other Music by David K. Joyce

For many years, David K. Joyce has had a musical collaboration with Carol Teal, who also happens to be his “life partner”! To learn more about Teal and Joyce, you can go to their website at www.tealandjoyce.ca

Their musical collaboration has resulted in three compact disc recordings. You can order them all through David K. Joyce (just send an e-mail) or using the following links.
Simple Pleasures
Carol and David have both been writing music since those angst filled teen years. They joined forces in 1997 when they discovered two voices were richer than one and have been writing, co-writing and performing together ever since. Performing mainly original songs which chronicle the joys and sorrows of life as well as filling the troubadour's of critical commentary on life today! Their well-crafted lyrics embrace a wide range of topics and emotions reflecting the celebrations and struggles of daily life, as well as the ability to laugh as ourselves. Their first recording, "Simple Pleasures", was released on CD in June, 2000.
Some Things You Do For Love (2005)
Another eclectic collection of Carol and David’s songs ranging from upbeat humour “Think That I’d Better Shave”, “Why Can’t we Empty the Nest” and “Reptile Brain” to more serious, “Lone Paddler” and “This Warm Wind”.
Has it All Been Said Before...
Teal and Joyce’s latest release(2013). This recording has a selection of Teal and Joyce songs ranging from several on social issues such as “Bad Weather” (climate change), “Same Damn Door” (greed and globalization) and “We’ve Still Got War” (against war) to humourous songls like “Don’t Want to be an Alpha Male”(too much testosterone!),”One Less Kitty”(Keep It on a Leash!) to “Power Tools” (That’s all that women really need!).
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