
Des Cedres Dam, Notre-Dame-du-Laus, Quebec
Dimensions: 2.9x1.8x1.3 cm
Largest crystal size: 9 mm
Price: CA

One main octahedral crystal of pastel-lavender spinel is exposed on the front of this marble matrix, with many micro crystals visible in the matrix as well. The specimen comes from The Des Cèdres Dam locality which was first described by Aubert de la Rüe in 1956, and is well known among collectors for having produced substantial amounts of well-formed, lustrous spinel crystals. Spinel is found in a marble exposure on the north shore of the Lièvre River. Nice example!

Note: All prices are in Canadian dollars (CAD). International customers are charged in CAD, exchange rate is calculated automatically by your bank/paypal upon checkout.

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