
Monument #1 Mine, Mystery Valley, Navajo Co., Arizona
Dimensions: 4.3x3.5x1.6 cm
Price: CA

The face of this specimen is coated in many sparkly volborthite crystals. The platy, yellow-green, crystals of volborthite come from the Monument #1 Mine in Navajo County, Arizona, a uranium-vanadium (U-V) occurrence. The mine operated intermittently from 1942 to 1950 and briefly reopened in 1954. This mine is known for producing quality volborthite specimens, an uncommon secondary mineral composed of hydrated copper vanadate. The matrix also contains chrysocolla, adding contrast and further interest to this rare mineral specimen.

Note: All prices are in Canadian dollars (CAD). International customers are charged in CAD, exchange rate is calculated automatically by your bank/paypal upon checkout.

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