
Gibson Road East (Titanite Hill), Tory Hill, Ontario
Dimensions: 6.2x6.8x4.2 cm
Largest crystal size: 23 mm
Price: CA


This specimen features pitch-black fluoro-richterite amphibole crystals on massive fluoro-richterite. Crystals of this fine quality are very rare globally and occur only in the calcite vein-dyke systems in this part of Ontario. This particular locality, a well-known spot for local rockhounds, is a mineralized zone located about 100 meters north of Gibsons Road. It was reportedly discovered by local collector Steve Smith around 1995. Since then, the area has been exposed to reveal a much larger expanse, consisting of large crystals contained in, or weathered out of, calcite veins and pods in gneiss and amphibolite.

Note: All prices are in Canadian dollars (CAD). International customers are charged in CAD, exchange rate is calculated automatically by your bank/paypal upon checkout.

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