
Sub-Rosiclare Level, Denton Mine, Harris Creek Mining Sub-District, Hardin County, Illinois
Dimensions: 6.2x4.8x3.5 cm
Price: CA


This exceptional miniature display specimen features gemmy, colour-zoned fluorite from the renowned Denton Mine in Southern Illinois. The well-developed stepped-growth fortification patterns create a highly sculptural translucent to transparent fluorite crystal with a silky lustre. The specimen exhibits deep grape-purple to striking sky-blue and violet phantoms, making for a truly mesmerizing visual effect. While this specimen represents only a corner section, it remains in excellent condition and is a fine example of the world-class fluorites for which this locality is famous. Fluorites from Southern Illinois are considered among the most beautiful and vividly coloured in the world. With the entire area long closed to mining, specimens of this quality are becoming increasingly scarce, making this a valuable addition to any fluorite collection.


This specimen comes from the collection of Dr. Peter Tarassoff, a prominent figure in mineralogy, particularly known for his work at Mont Saint-Hilaire (MSH). His diligent collecting and examination efforts have led him to be the first to identify at least 35 species and discover 12 new species, not only at MSH but also at other alkaline localities. Dubbed the "Dean" of Mont Saint-Hilaire collectors, Peter was honoured with the naming of the new species petarasite in 1980. He has authored or co-authored numerous mineralogical articles and has been a member of the Mineralogical Association of Canada since 1964. Additionally, Peter has volunteered at the Redpath Museum for the past 21 years, where he was formally appointed the Honorary Curator of Mineralogy. In recognition of his significant contributions to mineralogy, Peter was awarded the 2017 Pinch Medal by the Mineralogical Association of Canada. All specimens from this collection come with the original P. Tarassoff collection label.

Note: All prices are in Canadian dollars (CAD). International customers are charged in CAD, exchange rate is calculated automatically by your bank/paypal upon checkout.

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